To contact Sheri...
Sheri Shannon
Director of Partnership Program
Office: 217-278-7786
Cell: 217-621-9373
The Award Winning Partnership Program
Workplace realities. Did you know: 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. 73% of employees are distracted at work when stressed about their finances. 50% of Americans can’t come up with $500 for an emergency. 6 out of 10 employees would stay at their job if a financial wellness solution was offered.
The UICCU Partnership Program at no cost comes to your organization because we know individuals who are financially fit will be more productive and less stressed. Our goal is to add a comprehensive financial wellness component to your benefits package and conveniently bring the credit union directly to the individuals you serve.
Sheri Shannon
Director of Partnership Program
Office: 217-278-7786
Cell: 217-621-9373
Liz Welch
Partnership Program Member Success Liaison
Cell: 217-305-9384
Office: 217-239-6692